Welcome to the Austrian Legacy League Association page. Under the name “Sammelkartenspielverein” all activities of the ALL are done under its Association and rules thereof.
The rules of the Association are dictated by their Articles of the Association (“Statuten”):
- German: Vereinsstatuten
- English: Articles of Association
Since the ALL organization wants to be able to grow the legacy community and provide support for the community, the Association was established. By doing so, the organization can collect material resources to reinvest into support for the community, which includes (subject to change):
- Streaming Services
- Organization of Events
- Acquisition of Prize Support
- Crowning of Champions
- Providing Magic: The Gathering Support (ALL Proxies)
If you want to attend to an ALL event (either regular weekly or special) you have to accept the Articles of Association. Also, by attending you are automatically included as a member in the Association.
There are three types of members:
- Associate Members (without right to vote): This is the member status you reach automatically when attending the first ALL event.
- Honorary Members (will be awarded)
- Full Members (with right to vote): This is the member status you reach when you have successfully attended 3 ALL events within one Season and have paid the membership fee of currently 20€
The banking details of the Association are: AT61 3474 1000 0040 6454
The current Board of Directors for the Association are:
- Chairman: Philipp Klein
- Deputy Chairman: Daniel Pernusch
- Treasurer: Manuel Hochegger
- Advisory Board: Peter Plank & Alexander Klinger
- Auditors: Peter Plank & Christian Noitz
For the current ALL weekly seasonal event, the Association takes proceeds from the entry (currently 0.5€ per person).
The Association has its own Discord channel to discuss/organize/socialize.